Saturday, September 6, 2008

'Begin at the beginning and go on until you come to the end; then stop.' Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

Today marks the first day in about a week that I haven't been a news junky. I am pretty proud of that fact. I have not been inhaling news like it is my job for the entire day.

I worked nearly the entire day on my dissertation. I swear though it is like trying to bail water out of a boat with a spoon. I worked the whole day and got very little accomplished in other words.

My SD called me yesterday to check on me. She wanted to make sure that we were ok because of the Hurricane. She is so sweet to worry.

I didn't take my engagement ring to Costa Rica. I put it in the gun safe. Hubby got it out for me today, and when he was giving it back he got on his knees and asked me to marry him all over again. Amazing...I would too! Hubby also mentioned today that I have been too much all about work and school lately. Note to self...gotta do something about that this week.

0 Mad Ramblings: