Thursday, September 4, 2008

"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?" Albert Einstein

Recap of meeting with my advisor. There was another student in her office so she was like 8 minutes late meeting with me. And she had to meet with the department head after only 20 minutes or so. But she gave me some immediate feedback and action items for next week. Which feels fantastic. Additionally we talked timeline and long term goals.

I am meeting with her at the same bat time and same bat location next week. Although I don't think we are going to meet every week. I appreciated all the guidance she gave me.

As I have mentioned I work from home so meeting with her gives me a reason to get out of sweatpants and into some of my nicer clothes. My advisor noticed my cute outfit and we even had a great chat about Palin!

All in all the meeting was a success! FANTASTIC!

0 Mad Ramblings: