Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I have been working and working and working and killing myself today. I had to work so many hours since I got home I just need to sleep so that I can get some semblance of Chapter 1 together by tomorrow.

I had Bible study tonight, and had to miss the Republican National Convention. I hate that, because I always like to watch President Bush speak. Thank goodness for TIVO. I will definitely be watching tomorrow to see Senator Palin. This election season I have had to eat my words. I said I didn't want to vote for McCain, but I have had to eat my words. I have really come around to McCain, and am so pleased with his choice for VP. I don't typically discuss politics, but I thought the speeches tonight were outstanding. I thought I was going to like Fred's speech best, but I loved Liberman's speech.

Ah well...I have managed somehow to get caught up. I hope I don't wake up tomorrow and find I am suddenly behind. :) Amazing how that can occur at times. Gotta love fall semester.

0 Mad Ramblings: